My Story
Hi. My name is Kyle Burbank and I’m a Millennial. Yes, I say this like it’s some sort of healing admission given the bad rap my generation has endured in recent years. You know — the talk about how anyone under 35 is lazy, entitled, and doesn’t even know how…
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Quick TipsIn my line of work (yes, I just referred to blogging as a "line of work"), there are times when I want to get more info on a product or service but doing so requires me to enter an email address. However, knowing how annoying these companies can be once I've provided them with this...

Travel Product Reviews
by Kyle Burbank
To me, one of the most annoying parts of traveling in 2025 is ensuring that I pack chargers for all of the various devices I plan on bringing with me. That's why, in the past, I've been a fan of Rolling Square's InCharge multi-purpose cables that have built-in adapters. But, even then, I still find... 
Quick Tips
by Kyle Burbank
At the end of last year, Bilt sent a letter to customers teasing some of their visions for the future of the program and the Bilt Mastercard. Then, earlier this week, they announced that cardholders would soon be receiving a survey on the topic. Now that said survey has arrived, it's revealing some intriguing insight... 
Quick Tips
by Kyle Burbank
I love writing about credit cards and, in turn, I also love having solid rewards cards... up to a point, that is. Unlike some other bloggers I follow who regularly apply for and churn rewards cards, I've tried to be more selective and thoughtful about what cards I ultimately add to my wallet. But every... 
Travel Product Reviews
by Kyle Burbank
There's a certain danger in establishing myself as someone who reviews products. Despite also being a personal finance writer, I can't tell you how many times I've seen ads for items on Instagram and thought "I should buy that to review." In some cases, I can shake off this feeling after a few days —... 
Personal Product Reviews
by Kyle Burbank 3
Would you ever buy a car online without even getting so much as a test drive? To some, such a proposition sounds crazy — but that's exactly what my wife and I did five years ago. After exploring options, securing financing, and arranging a trade-in via Carvana's website, we drove up to Kansas City to... 
Travel Product Reviews
by Kyle Burbank
When you think about packing your suitcase for a trip, what are the top items that come to mind? While toiletries, chargers, and wardrobe essentials are all likely candidates, I'd argue that shoes actually play an underrealized role in travel. After all, if you're like us, you probably do a lot of walking on a... 
Travel Tips
by Kyle Burbank
Over the past few years, I've written a few times about my stays at Park MGM. While that statement is technically true, I've actually stayed at NoMad — the boutique hotel that occupies the top four floors of the building (and is set for a rebrand soon, by the way). In turn, despite my numerous... 
Travel Product Reviews
by Kyle Burbank 3
As a semi-frequent traveler who looks to pack pretty light, I’m used to taking only one pair of shoes with me on any given trip. Thus, whatever shoes I’m taking with me need to not only be comfortable but also adapt to different situations — including the possibility of damp weather. That’s what attracted me... 
Quick Tips
by Kyle Burbank
Earlier this month, I once again found myself in Las Vegas for CES. Each time this happens, I'm reminded of just how damn expensive The Strip has become. Seriously — $6 drip coffee, $9 cheese pizza slices, and a $14 cheese quesadilla that turns into a $23 quesadilla if you want to add a protein... 
Saving Money
by Kyle Burbank
For most of my life, the bottom half of my body has been covered almost exclusively in denim. Specifically, except for the years when I had to wear a suit to work, I'd be seen in long jeans as I rarely ever wear shorts (although I did cave and wear some in Florida a couple... 
Travel Product Reviews
by Kyle Burbank 21
When my wife and I moved to Springfield, Missouri a decade ago, one of the selling points (or at least what kept it in the running) was that there was a nearby airport that served a decent number of destinations. Unfortunately, while it is convenient, flying out of such a small airport can also get...