Category: Managing Money
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Managing Money
Money-Saving Grocery Shopping Tips and 3 Frugal Meal Ideas
by Kyle Burbank 1
Buying groceries as opposed to eating out all the time is already a fiscal win — but why stop there? By utilizing digital coupons, being smart about where you shop, and stocking up on the right items, you can save even more money on groceries. Plus, with a few tasty... Managing Money
Are You Really Ready to Buy Your First House?
by Kyle Burbank 7
Home buying is a big deal. While the prospect of owning instead of renting may be as consistently alluring to you as it is to me, unknown costs and unanswered questions can get in the way of making what is ultimately the best financial decisions and turn your money milestone... Managing Money
20 Genuinely Fun and Frugal Activities (and 5 Traps to Avoid)
by Kyle Burbank 4
Just because you’re trying to be thrifty doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy life — it’s all about getting the most out of your entertainment dollar. From free events to small splurges that lead to big fun, there are plenty of ways activities that fit into the thrifty lifestyle. Checkout these... Managing Money
My Story
by Kyle Burbank
Hi. My name is Kyle Burbank and I’m a Millennial. Yes, I say this like it’s some sort of healing admission given the bad rap my generation has endured in recent years. You know — the talk about how anyone under 35 is lazy, entitled, and doesn’t even know how...