Category: Creator Economy

Creator EconomyIt’s crazy to think that, just a few years ago, the term “blog” was just a strange word that few fully understood. Today there are blogs for just about any topic or niche you could conceive of and a diverse array of talented writers producing content for an equally diverse set of audiences. The question...

Creator Economy
by Kyle Burbank
For most people, 2020 has left little to look forward to. If you're anything like me, the year has been one canceled plan after another. That's why I wasn't at all surprised when the final decision not to hold FinCon 2020 in Long Beach, California was made. Yet, another announcement that accompanied this news did... 
Creator Economy
by Kyle Burbank 3
When I first started writing about personal finance, it's safe to say that I didn't really know what I was doing. That's why I mostly took the approach of sharing what I was learning in regards to finance as well as sharing experiences I had already acquired. Additionally, I've often strived to give context for... 
Creator Economy
by Kyle Burbank 2
A few months ago, during a bout of the quarantine blues, I began watching a lot of videos about the iPad. Previously, while I thought such a device might be fun, I never really saw much of a need for it. That was until I started to see more people talking about the enhanced keyboard... 
Creator Economy
by Kyle Burbank 3
A few months ago, I resolved to finally get cracking on a book idea that had been floating around in my head for some time now. To correspond with this goal, I also decided to launch a monthly blog series taking you through the ups and downs of preparing a manuscript. Well, this particular entry... 
Creator Economy
by Kyle Burbank 3
Over the past few months, I've been penning a blog post series here on Money@30 chronicling a book project I'm writing. In previous editions, I've looked at how I was preparing myself to write as well as sharing the successes and stumbles I've encountered while trying to put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard,... 
Creator Economy
by Kyle Burbank 3
Last month, I kicked off an article series in conjunction with a new book project I'm currently working on. True to my word, with one month now past, I'm back to provide an update and offer some insight into the process. This time around, I wanted to follow-up on a few things I discussed in... 
Creator Economy
by Kyle Burbank 3
Next month will mark the five year anniversary of my book The E-Ticket Life. That's absolutely insane to me as it feels like hardly any time has passed since that first box of books arrived at my doorstep. Just as crazy is the fact that it's been nearly three years since I released the ebook... 
Creator Economy
by Kyle Burbank 3
Perhaps the most common piece of advice provided to YouTube creators who are just starting out is "be consistent." Typically, this means sticking to a schedule and delivering new content with reliable regularity — something that is incredibly important for growth. However, is it possible to be too consistent? In other words, when is it... 
Creator Economy
by Kyle Burbank 3
Does the thought of starting your own business or being otherwise self-employed scare the crap out of you? It would for me too...if I wasn't already doing it. What's more, my wife recently celebrated two years of the freelance life herself, meaning that neither of us has had a traditional employee role for some time... 
Creator Economy
by Kyle Burbank 2
If you’re a creator on YouTube, you may have noticed some changes to YouTube Studio as of late. Little by little, YouTube has been updating the ecosystem in which channels upload their videos, navigate analytics, and more. Like with any changes to popular platforms, these updates haven’t been without some controversy — although YouTube has... 
Creator Economy
by Kyle Burbank
Spending a lot of time at home lately? Unless you're an essential worker, you probably are (or should be). And while most people seem to be spending their newfound free time consuming Tiger King or whatever the new, hot streaming show is by the time you read this, others are taking advantage of this quarantine...